After getting your permanent makeup treatments such as microblading or powder brows, eyeliner tattoo, and lip blush tattoo, you must take extremely good care of the treatment areas to achieve the optimal results.
That is why it is important to read and understand all the aftercare instructions and follow them carefully and diligently. Remember, the treatment is 50% of the work and the remaining 50% depends on the aftercare.
It is also highly recommended to communicate with your technician before ultimately deciding on the treatment and ask for their suggestion on what is the best procedure for you and your desired result.
Considerations Before Microblading
For example, microblading is not the best option for clients with sensitive and oily skin. Instead, they should go for a more suitable technique, such as powder brows. Knowing and understanding the procedure also helps to achieve the desired healing.
Keep in mind that the healing process can vary from one person to another. Everyone’s skin is different so there is no textbook problem and solution during the healing process. That can be quite risky but to assure healing without any complication, always follow the aftercare instructions.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, during the healing process, scabbing will occur and the color will initially lighten. This is completely normal and is expected, there will about a 20%-50% color change during the healing process.
Consult your technician and ask for a suggestion on the color that you desire and keep in mind the color-change during the process.
Eyebrows Aftercare Instructions
The day of the procedure
1. 30 minutes after the treatment, please use the provided sterile water wipes pad and wipe the treated area in gentle motions. Pat dry and apply a very THIN layer of Aquaphor given to you.
2. Repeat Step 1 EVERY HOUR until bedtime.
3. Before bedtime, please do one final wipe, pat dry, and apply Aquaphor.
Day 2 to Day 7 of the procedure
1. Every morning and night, please wipe the treated area with sterile water wipes or damp cotton rounds. Pat dry and apply a very THIN layer of Aquaphor.
2. If the treated area feels dry or tight, please repeat step 1.
Things to Consider
Day 1 - 5: The brows will appear darker and thicker and scabbing will form.
Day 5 - 9: As the scabs start to come off, your brows may look a bit patchy. Please don’t be alarmed. This will only last a couple of days and the Aquaphor will also help with the scabbing.
Days 9 - 12: Your brows may look light or milky due to the formation of new skin tissue. This is completely normal.
Day 12 - 21: Your brow color will gradually get darker as the new skin settles. The color of the brows will be darker compared to Day 9 – 12.
Please note that everyone’s skin is different. Please trust the process and allow the brows to heal naturally. If you notice imperfections, it can always be fixed during touch-up. ‘
If you want to learn more about the healing process, visit our detailed guide and infographic on microblading after care.
What is Aquaphor and is it safe to use for aftercare for permanent make up treatments?
Aquaphor is a petroleum-based moisturizer that prevents water from evaporating from the face and improves the skin barrier. Its ingredients are a blend of mineral oils and waxes, emollients, and hydrators. Unlike Vaseline which is primarily petroleum jelly, Aquaphor includes lanolin (a greasy emollient that’s derived from sheep’s wool and glycerin (a gentle hydrator).

It includes:
• mineral oil from petroleum
• ceresin, a mineral wax from coal
• lanolin alcohol, derived from animal skin
• panthenol with vitamin B5
• glycerin
• bisabolol, derived from chamomile
Aquaphor is recommended for after-care for permanent make up procedures because it has anti-inflammatory properties and won’t block air from getting to the area. This is critical in helping the area to heal.
After the permanent makeup has healed, it’s a good idea to switch to a water-based, fragrance-free lotion like Lubriderm or Eucerin.
If you are allergic to any of these ingredients, then make sure you ask your brow artist about what they will be using after the procedure so that they do not accidentally place it on you.
What to avoid for 30 days after the procedure
Light therapies
Chemical peels
Fruit acids
Avoid creams that contain regenerative factors such as Retinol A, Acid-based creams (Glycolic, Hydraulic, etc.).
Avoid laser treatments over the treated area.
Avoid the use of antibiotics if possible as it will help fade the pigment color.
Use SPF on brows to help with color retention.

Eyeliner Aftercare Instructions
The day of the procedure
On the day of the procedure, do not touch your eyes and this includes keeping the eye area dry and avoid washing them. Before going to bed, you can ice the eyes by applying a clean towel or cloth over them. To reduce puffiness and tenderness, you may take a Tylenol.
Day 2 to 3
It’s normal for the eyes to be swollen for a couple of days after the procedure. Everyone’s skin differs and some clients may swell more than others. If you feel tenderness in our eyelid, apply a THIN layer of Aquaphor. Please note that it’s still important to keep your eyes dry.
Day 4 to Day 7 (or even longer and until all the scabs are gone)
Avoid water, makeup, excessive sweating, no sauna, no pools, no sunbathing, and most importantly, do not peel off the scabs, as this may cause scarring. Do not apply anything besides Aquaphor.
4 weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid using creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin. For the touch-up procedure, it is best done after 6 weeks to allow extra time for healing.
Lip Aftercare Instructions
The day of the procedure
1. 30 minutes after the treatment, please use the provided sterile water wipes pad and wipe the treated area in gentle motions. Pat dry and apply a very THIN layer of Aquaphor given to you.
2. Repeat Step 1 EVERY HOUR until bedtime.
3. Clean the lips with damp cotton with clean bottled water every 30 minutes until bedtime
Day 2 to 7
1. The lips may be swollen the second day as well but please do not ice the lip’s skin.
2. Keep the skin moist at all times by applying Aquaphor and avoid drying the lips.
3. Do not peel the scab during healing. Until the scabs are gone, avoid getting the lips wet, or putting on any lipstick or makeup and only apply Aquaphor.
4. No excessive sweating. No sauna, no pools, and no sunbathing. During the 4- week healing period, it’s not recommended to use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin.
5. A touch up is recommended no sooner than 8 weeks later to allow extra time for the lips to heal.

If you are thinking about getting your first microblading and are wondering, "where can I find great microblading near me"(whether that be microbladed brows, powder / ombre brows, permanent eyeliner, or lip blush) don't worry about it alone! Call us to ask questions and to get the best microblading in Vacaville, best microblading in Davis, best microblading in San Francisco, best microblading in Sacramento, and the best microblading in Bay Area.